Thursday, January 30, 2020
International Relations Theory Essay Example for Free
International Relations Theory Essay The study of the international relations has traditionally focused on the study of the causes of war and conflict between the states and the condition of peace. However, in the 21st century we are more concerned with the question of how the global relations can be identified, and with who lays the power of world politics. The global politics and international relations concepts have been developed over centuries. The key theories have established the commonly accepted methods of explaining the relationships between the states, and the way in which nations conduct their businesses. We can distinguish between many strands of thought, each extensive and often mutable. Thus, it is hard to define which are the most equitable and had most leverage in the international relations or global politics. However, we can certainly highlight few, which are seen as the most important or even crucial. One of them is Marxism, developed by Karl Marx in the 19th century. Marxism sought to purport the varied terrains in a new and unprecedented way. Some of the key aphorisms include the materialism, class system theory, the dialectical approach to history and of course a critique to liberalism and capitalism. Alas, the Marxism theory was precluded in the 1990s, after the oppression of people, economic instability, poverty and unhappiness under the communistic rule became evident. However, in the latter years of extreme economic and social crisis, many scholars once again engaged in the critical insight of capitalism, just as Marx did centuries ago. Marxism is the only theory available, which seeks to completely undermine capitalism, and expose its fundamental flaws which capitalists try to avoid or divert, but cannot overcome. However, it is not only limited to the economics. It presents extensive explanation of social and political relations and ways in which societies can determine it. It offers a new concept of freedom, far more expansive and empowering than the traditional liberal understanding. In this essay I will critically assess the extent to which Marxism has contributed to an understanding of the global politics. The global politics otensibly consists of many strands of scholar thought , analysis and theories . The acuurate and cognizant way of explaining or arranging the different approaches would be to put them in two categories; mainstreem and the rest. The parenial mainstreem theories of international relations are realism, liberalism, neo-realism and neo-liberalism. Other vail approaches share much with mainstreetm but have been seen rather as develpoments or critiques or of it, often providing a very distinct analysys . One of such is Marxism. Karl Marx developed new depiction with some linkages to the previous theories. He offers a distinct approach and analysis of political, social and economic life. Marxââ¬â¢s aim was to expose the hidden truth about the world of politics, and to higlight to people that history, politics and our social life is not something that only happens to us (independently from our actions), but rather something wich happens with our presence and input, and therefore can also be transformed by us. We can choose weather or not we want to live in a political-social system which we inherited, or to alter it if we are dissatissfied with it. In this sense politics appears as a struggle over processess of social-self production. The ability to steer various processess in one direction or another, thus shape the world in whcih we live in, produce a social change. Marxs expalins this as a dialectical or process orientated approach to understanding our history and politics. The historical tensions and cirumstances opneded up various possibilities for actors (agents embodied in institutions), to produce a change. As humans we have a freedom or in other words a collective ability to shape ourselfs and our world. This concept of freedom is broader and more empowering , than in the traditional liberal thinging (freedom of choice, our wants and needs in the market). Another important aphorism of Karl Marx was historical materialism. According to Marx all life is constantly evolving . The evolution results from the clash of two opposing forces. The same must happen with peolpe. For centuries humanity experienced struggles and clashes mainly between 2 groups of people. In the acient world it was the slaves and the lords, in the middle the peasants (surfs)and the lad owners, and in capitalism the capitalists (burgouise) and the working class (proletariat). Each historic era is different , has its own dynamic an dlogic, based on a dominant mode of production: primitive, feudalism and finally capitalism. For Marx each stage had its beginbing, middle but also an end. Marx also belived that history is shaped by the material basis of society. He recognised base and superstructure division of society. He included education, politics, religion, culture, media to the superstructure. Underneeth the superstructure there lies base consisted of relations of production (burguoise), and means of production everything which is owned by burguise needed for procution such as technology for instance). The base in Marx view , creates a particular type of political authority which is mostly concerned with protecting and promoting the interests of the dominant class. The base can change the history and the society. The key implication here is that the people who conctrol the material base (the means and forces of production), ulitmately control the society, politics and the world we live in. He recognised tha states as the puppet of a dominant class. Marx also offered an extensive and profound crtique to caqpitalism, imperialism and globaloization. He did not undermined it. It is fair to say that Marx understood capitalims as the most productive theorey that every existed but nevertheless, he recognised that it was living on a borrowed time. For Marx the capitalism had fundamental flaws as it was exploitative and oppressive system. He examined the features of capitalism, praised it for the competetive nature whihc would recsult and many spohisticated advancemnts, presented its flaws and atributes. Karl Marx acknowledge that constant urge for profit wouldstimulate the innovation process in various fields such as technology, media, medicine. Nevertheless, the necessity to generate higher and higher profit is the main downfall of the globalization and capitalism concept. As a result capitalism will move from crisis to criris, and the society will become increasingly unequal. Marx specified that capitalists will attempt to reslove one crisis, but as one problem would be resolved, another would be created in its place. We can clearly see how this process works taking for instance the sub-prime lending case. As people did not have enough money , the demand failed. The profits of various cooperations also failed (as demand stimalates the supply and the prices). The banks offered creditd cards and loans. In turn people bought more goods, and contributed to the economy. Everyone was happy in the process, the baks, the producers and of course the working class who would now finally buy the goods and services they wanted. One problem was solved. However, after a while people did not meet their repayments. The banks had to confiscate their houses, cars, and other possesions as a result. Now banks were left with empty houses, and a huge deficit of money. The enterpreneours who invested and supplied banks with the money lost a vast ammount of money, many bankrupted. The taxes rates for the lower and the middle were risen, and the wages cut so the capitalists could once again make profit. Alas, less wages and bigger taxes meant less dissposable income to pay for the new good and services. The capitalists once again have to battle low profits, and find new ways to stay in business, The whole process reapeats itself, and no concrete and reliable solution is found. Marx also crtiticises the globalization process. The global capitalism means alliances of globalised capitalists, in order to do the business together and gain more control. This aspect of globalization within the context of capitalism will also prove fatal, as the interconcetivity between various world economies could potentiall bring doom to all if one falls ( we can see it happening with the hyousing bubble burst in the USA, resulting from the sub-prime lending . This crisis not only affected the USA economy, but spreaded to the rest of the world resulting in the global economical crises and recession). Marxs posited that economic relations between people was core to absolutely everything. The human needs for housing, security, food, drive human interactions. Furthermore he stasted that private property divided the world. The human persistency to barter and to create profit was a recepie for distater. Capitalism develpse productive powers of human societies, but it does in rather undemocratic manner, through exploating and subduing the working class. As a result it distors the real historiacal possibilities for social self-determination. Socially empowered people under the capitalistic system, are prevented from realising their full productive powers and enjoying their fuller forms of freedom. Under tha capitalism ideaology supports the historiucally specific forms of social activity and organization, which appears to be necessarry and natural universal conditions. It takes on the apperance of unchangable, and hard-wired withing the society. This is of course mistification. Within the context of capitalism , we are isolated individuals, therefore we confornt our social envirometn not as collective product. We views it in terms of constraint on our individual chocies. This way of understanding social relations as parennial, universal and natural prevents us from looking for possibilities of transformation, or imagining the alternative possible worlds. Marxism inspired future analysis in the international relations arena . One of the most significant was the crtitical theory. The critical theory was develpoed in 1930s by the frankfurt school of thoutgt. The term frnakfurt school refers to theorists originally assosiated with the Institute for Social Research at Frankfurt University . The early frnakfurt shcool tehorist Horkheimer and Adorno, began too lose faith in the revolutionary potential of the proletaria. The also saw how in the west Marxism was marxism was being transformed into a doctrisn of economic determinism. In the face of these developments, they wanted to retain a critical modern critical and potentially progressive role for social theory, but were wary of the orthodox Marxismsââ¬â¢ preocupation with production and the coresponding emphasis on the historical role of the proletariatâ⬠The core concepts of the Crtical theory are that critical social theory should be directed at the totality of society in its historical specificity , and also that critical theory should improve understanding of society by integrating all the major social sciences, including geography, economics, sociology, history, political science, anthropology, and psychology. Critical theoriests developed a key concept that the objectively valid forms of knowledge could not be established independently of the social context and social norms. The theories which claimthat they provide objective truth are profoundly misleading. In their view idealogy (or theories assosiated with it), are just a belief that oue perspective is the truth. The way in which things appera from the economic standpoint of our consciousness. They asked a question: can idealogy be proven, is it just a mode of belief. After all idealogy is without conciousness. Is it fair to say that things actually are the way they appear to me? The frankfurt scholars went on explaining that in each historic period the dominant class sets the idealogy. In the late capitalism it is ultimately a burgouise idealogy. So the ideas whic are the base of every aspect of our society , (for instance our current work ethic or current standards of moral behaviour) do not have to be universal, just and correct. The frankfurt scholars have undermined the positivist forms of scienfitic knowledge. They claim that positivism and instrumental reason discourse denys the alternative values and future possible worlds. Gramsci went a bit further and develpoed a theory of hegemony as a form of political power whcih relied upon the consent than coercion. ââ¬Å" In a hegemonic social situation, dominant groups (classes, class fractions and their verious alliers) articulate a social vision which claims to serve the intersts of all, and they use selective incentives to recruit junior partners into their coalition and to didivde the disable opositionâ⬠He belived that in modern and advances capitalistsic societies, hegemonic power might be promoted via media, education, art, literature as well as political parties. Under these conditions various groups might be led to consent to the powerof dominant groups. This action would make the use of obviously opressive and coercive power unnecessary.. He also argued that hegemony should be continously chalenged by the civil society. In this way he hoped that capitaslist culture would be challenged by a counter-hegemonic political culture. In short, he speculated that peolpe might start to think of their economic lives as having a significant political importance . Gramsci hoped that they might finally question the universal capitalismââ¬â¢s structured separation of the ploitical fromt he economic aspects of life. Another important approach to global politics, which derives from Marxism is the World systems theory , which was fathered by Immanueakl Wallestein in the 1970s. He traced the rise of the world system to the 16th century Western Europe, whihc then spraded to the rest of the world. The E3urope feudal economy suffered crisi and was transformed into capitalism. The west quikly utilisised their advantages and gained control and power, over the most of the world economy (using colonialism, slavery, imperialism and globalisation together with the unfair trade). This actions resulted in an unequal develpoment, which instead of diminishing grows even further. Wallestein also supported Marxââ¬â¢s previous view that the suposely tree distnict areas of politics, socio9logya nd economics are in fact combined. In his writing Wollestein provided a structural explenation of the global inequallity between states. He viewd it as a pyramis. At the top of the pyramid lye the core states. Whuhc dominate the system. They all are in favour of capitalistic global economy for their own elevation. Examples in todays world inlude USA, Japan or Western Europe. Beneeth the core states lys the semi-periphery states, which are seeking to elevate themselfs to claim their place among the core . Examples include the BRIC countries: Brasil. Rusia, India or China. At the very bottom of the pyramid lies the peripher, the weakest of the states (third wolrd countires ). They are usually rulled by the puppet goverments , subservient to the global capitalists. Ruled by the core states. They will never be given the standars of life they deserve through their inustry. They usually provide most of the natural resources and products which are greedly devour by the core, only to recive poor technoplogy and ocasional aid in return. People in the third world countries (peripherians) are the main victims of this opression, as they benefit less from the spohisticated technology and innovation that capitalism (through drive for profit) brings about. This generates a fundamental innequality between the nations. Conclusion The forms of Marxian critical theory (further develpoed by the Frankfurt school and by Gramsci), lead us to a conlusion that the claims of scientific objectivity assosiated with positivistiv theories of International relations are in fact profoundly misleading . This approach differs a lot from the mainstreem realistic and liberalistsi approaches of the international relations. More recently there has been a sort of renaissance of Marxian international theory. It began during the 1990s and gained its momentum with the US war on terror after the 9/11/. The American war on terror is seen by many as the twnety-first-centuray imperialism . Many scholars return to Marxism wirtings and its later developments, to find it very accurate in the sphere of the global politics today. Undoubtedly, Marxism contributed in large means to our understanding of the global politics. It is the only reliable source of the critique of the capitalistis system we currently live in. Furthermore it explains and provides an analis of it. It stresses the interdependence of social-political- and economical aspects of life , not only within the domestic arena but also on the global scale. Marxisms highlights the global innequalities that the capitalism creates, demonstrates and unmasks the constant exploitation and mannipulation of the working class. It stresses the importance of all idvividuals, and their ability to transform and alter the world around us which includes our political system, current moral and ethical forms of behaviour, the ecoonomic system and every other aspect of our live. Marx and the later scholars influenced by his writing, do not propose a new clear system to replace capitalism. The presumptions are left to us . Within the concept of marism the idealogy can always be altered, it shall not be seen as something parenially just and fair. It is also seen as the tool of the higher class, who usess it to explain the world to the lower class and further to control it. Therefore Marx saw idealogy only a way of explainign and understanding the world rather than verity. This approach had big significance in the global politics theory. It inspired new starnds of thought in international relations and of course met with a fierce critique of positivistic scholars and thinkers.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Impact of Fiscal Policy on the Pharmaceuticals Industry Essay --
Fiscal policy, Gross Domestic Product, Economics and Classical view of Economics and their overall impact on the likes of a company like Wyeth, a Pharmaceutical Company, and building upon such a correlation is what this article is all about. Fiscal Policy is the other half of the two-legged approach of the government to maintain stability within an economy while trying to maintain the sanctity of things and trying to achieve the targets outlined. The other part is the monetary policy. Fiscal policy is all about the earnings and expenditures of the government. The sources of revenue are the various forms of taxes whereas the expenses are the ones regarding the public utilities, defense etc. Gross Domestic Product is the total worth of all the goods and services produced within any given economy and the idea is to produce as much as possible. It beneficially impacted by the positive net exports and that has a good effect on the Exchequer of the country. GDP is in so many ways a true measure of the overall living standard of the economy. Mind you the GDP does not include the remittanc...
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
A Critical Reflection on Learning Society and Learner Identities Essay
The paper draws on the historical experiences of learning society and learner identities from the normative and sociological paradigms which have extensively determined how the experiences of learning have been shaped and how learning society should be constituted. In light of this, patterns of participation in learning process are engaged through a concise interplay between the course of life and their determinants. Focusing on examination as a key factor in the official discourse of learning society, the whole concept of learning society and learner identity can comprehensively be argued within the parameters of sociological construction through theories of human capital, functionalism, symbolic, post modern among others. Through a critical evaluation and reflection, the history of learning society as well as learner identities reveal that the underlying motivation of learning society leans on the uncalled for abstraction of economic behaviors which range from social relations to the individual learnerââ¬â¢s participation in the lifetime process of learning. Introduction The underlying principle of learning society and leaner identity is founded within the fundamental of the predominant interplay between social capital and cultural aspects with education. Exploring the inherent meaning of education and learning in the lives of individuals typifies a particular focus on the perpetual element of learning in the social milieu of a rapidly changing society. Researchers contend that the social revolution towards a contemporary society is typical of globalization therefore, life long learning portend a relationship with learning society within the theoretical paradigm that will help in analyzing and evaluating the inherent meaning of education (Coffield, 2001). The process focus on leaving learners with options of developing their own learner identities as inspired by the learning process as well as the pedagogic approaches to education. The experiences and the hitherto identities propel a situation that determine whether the learner goes back to school and learn at least something knew; because, the whole question of the learning society is to enhance the individualââ¬â¢s bargaining power to better their social and economic positions in life through a clear understanding of themselves. Learning Society: A Reflection on the Influence of formal Education on Learner Identity In a multiple deprived modern global community, learning society and learner identities facilitates a broader evaluation of maximum social utility of learning guided by the pedagogical approaches used in the social construction. As a result, learning identities become created and basing on the model of community development, participants in the community development are learners who exhibit such characteristics through a learning process. They are thus encouraged to learn irrespective of age or status; all in a bid to gain accreditation of developing their own knowledge and skills. This extensively develops their leaning identities and gives them a leeway to access other learning. According to Alheit (1992), education as a national social institution can be argued to form part of the global structure. This means that information technology and largely the digital age forms the modern global infrastructure of education and thus, the learning society is inspired and directed by technology to impact on the experiences of a learner within the realms of education. Maguire (2006) further asserts that as the goal of education continues to change over the years due to the element of social integration and formation of economic advantage, many individuals who had dropped out of school or similarly stopped at some level prefer to go back and begin learning. Significantly, it is obvious that from a symbolic and conflict theoretical understanding, the concept of adult education comes into play guided by the principle of skill formation in the context of a strengthened global economic competition. Arguably, increased convergence system of education has become a trend which remarkably points the difference between the traditional attitudes of education versus the modern attitudes. The meaning of education is clearly construed in three levels which are elaborate. Firstly, learning society and learners identity is historically and sociologically explained within the efforts to understand how people use education and the resultant knowledge and skills to construct their courses in life. Secondly, the educational and learning experiences mean different phenomenon to different learners especially within the content of producing as well as forming their identities. Finally, learning society and learner identity become the epicenter of understanding significant experiences that people have with regard to different stages in their lives. This also borders the line whether those experiences originate at work, in school, during leisure time pursuits or during adult study (Antikainen et al, 1996). Accordingly, questions such as the substance, social context and formal education form the important milestones in the learning experience. From the traditional outlook, educators and many members of the society have believed that education is productive. This means that the effects of education are reflected in the experiences a learner goes through in the process of learning as well as after learning. In view of this, the experiences one endures in relation to education break down the universal function of education and somewhat give it a different understanding. Hodgson (2000) postulates that the individualized learning experiences have led scholars to hypothesize several emancipatory meaning of education. Essentially, it is plausible to argue that with the existence of life long and cultural patterns of education in the society, a learning society continues to emerge thus inspiring many individuals to go back to school and learn something new based on the social or economic significance attached to the concept that is learned. For instance, as an immigrant to the United States, there is dire need to learn English for both social communicative purposes as well as official business transactions. In light of this, although the immigrant may be an adult, he goes to learn at a mature age due to the cultural shift and social position in the society. The trends in the educational circles necessitate the learning society. In essence, the flow of information, knowledge as well as students from across regional and national borders is a contemporary trend that can serve as a typical example of westernization as well as global diffusion of local educational products (Husen, 2004). Young (2009) further outlines that globalization is key to learning society and leaner identities. To illustrate, it is evident that regardless of the age, status and racial backgrounds, individual members of the society tend to embrace a contemporary computer based approach of education to continue learning. Such cases are characteristic of E-learning, distant leaning as well as the emergence of virtual institutions; a factor that inspires the attitude for lifelong learning and shapes the identities of learners to reflect a more contemporary one as opposed to the historical approach towards learning. Every situation in the present society calls for problem solving, critical and creative thinking and apt communication skills and this deep feature of the globalised society steers individuals to be always on the search for education, skills and knowledge.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Managerial Entrenchment In the Corporate World
One of the biggest threats to long-term success is managerial entrenchment, which occurs when corporate leaders put their own self-interests ahead of the companys goals. This is of concern to people working in finance and corporate governance such as compliance officers and investors because managerial entrenchment can affect shareholder value, employee morale, and even lead to legal action in some instances. Definition Managerial entrenchment can be defined as an action, such as investing corporate funds, that is made by a manager in order to boost his or her perceived value as an employee, rather than to benefit the company financially or otherwise. Or, in the phrasing of Michael Weisbach, a noted finance professor and author: Managerial entrenchment occurs when managers gain so much power that they are able to use the firm to further their own interests rather than the interests of shareholders. Corporations depend on investors to raise capital, and these relationships can take years to build and maintain. Companies rely on managers and other employees to cultivate investors, and its expected that employees will leverage these connections to benefit corporate interests. Some workers also use the perceived value of these transactional relations to ensconce themselves within the organization, making them difficult to dislodge. Experts in the field of finance call this aà dynamic capital structure. For example, a mutual-fund manager with a track record of producing consistent returns and retaining large corporate investors may use those relationships (and the implied threat of losing them) as a means of earning more compensation from management. Noted finance professorsà Andrei Shleiferà of Harvard University andà Robert Vishnyà of University of Chicago describe the problem this way:à By making manager-specific investments, managers can reduce the probability of being replaced, extract higher wages and larger prerequisites from shareholders, and obtain more latitude in determining corporate strategy. Risks Over time, this can affectà capital structure decisions, which in turn affects the way in which shareholders and the managers opinions affect the way a company is run. Managerial entrenchment can reach all the way to the C-suite. Plenty of companies with sliding stock prices and shrinking market shares have been unable to dislodge powerful CEOs whose best days are well behind them. Investors may abandon the company, making it vulnerable to a hostile takeover. Workplace morale can also suffer, prompting talent to leave or for toxic relationships to fester.à A manager who makes purchasing or investment decisions based on personal bias, rather in a companys interests, can alsoà causeà statistical discrimination. In extreme circumstances, experts say, management may even turn a blind eye to unethical or illegal business behavior, such as insider trading or collusion, in order to retain an employee who is entrenched. Sources Martin, Gregory, and Lail, Bradley. The Downside to Limiting Manager Entrenchment., 3 April 2017.Schleifer, Andrei, and Vishny, Robert W. Managerial Entrenchment: The Case of Manager-Specific Investments. Journal of Financial Economics. 1989.Weisbach, Michael. Outside Directors and CEO Turnover. Journal of Financial Economics. 1988.Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania staff. The Cost of Entrenchment: Why CEOs Are Rarely Fired., 19 January 2011.
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